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Post Operative Instructions

I have just undergone Dental Surgery, what must I do following the Operation?

dentist looking through microscope

Following an Extraction

  • Please use and complete the anti-biotics and painkillers prescribed to you.

  • Don’t spit blood out of the mouth, rather swallow the blood after an extraction.

  • Bite on gauze; it will help with the bleeding.

  • Do not rinse with oral rinse for the first 48 hours. After 48 hours rinse gently with Luke warm salt water or as the prescribe oral rinse two times a day.

  • Please use the ice – pack provided for surgical extractions.

  • If you had undergone a dentectomy and received dentures, please do not take them out until your follow up appointment the next day.

  • No drinking of alcohol or smoking for the first week after surgery.

Dental Fillings – Children

  • Please use and complete the anti-biotics and painkillers prescribed to you.

  • Do not eat or drink before the local anaesthetic has worn off.


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